本文描述了 Zephyr 的 <devicetree.h>
API,用于在 C 源码中读取设备树。我们假设你已熟悉 设备树概述 和 设备树绑定 中的概念。对具体接口的描述可参阅 API 引用 。
对熟悉设备树的 Linux 开发者而言,应该引起注意,此处描述的 API 与在 Linux 上使用设备树的方式有很大不同。
在 Zephyr 中,设备树所有数据包含在一个生成的 C 头文件,并以宏 API 进行抽象。但 Linux 内核中是以二进制形式读取设备树数据结构的。二进制表示在运行时被解析,例如加载和初始化设备驱动程序。
Zephyr 不能以这种方式工作,因为设备树二进制文件和相关处理代码的占用空间太大,并不适用于安装在 Zephyr 支持的、性能相对受限的设备上。
节点 id 用于获取特定设备树节点的相关信息。它只是一个用于引用节点的 C 宏。(下文中有时出现的 node_id
也指代节点 id )
以下是获取节点 id 的主要方法:
调用 DT_PATH()
使用 节点标签 通过 DT_NODELABEL()
获取节点 id 。节点标签通常在 SoC .dtsi
中提供,节点标签通常是与 SoC datasheet 匹配的节点名称,如 i2c1
、 spi2
获取由特殊 /aliases
节点属性表示的节点 id 。这有时是由应用程序(如在 GPIO 示例 中即使用 led0
别名)完成的;这些程序中,需要引用特定类型的某些设备,但不关心使用哪个设备(例如,某个应用程序希望运行起来后可亮起某个 LED 用作提示,但用户可自行配置最终指定哪一个 LED 而程序本身不关心)。
这主要由设备驱动程序完成,因为实例编号是一种基于匹配兼容来引用单个节点的方法。这些编号通过 DT_INST()
获取 /chosen
节点属性所表示的节点 id 。
从已有的节点 id 开始获取父节点或子节点的节点 id ,通过使用 DT_PARENT()
引用同一节点的两个节点 id 是等价的,可以互换使用。
这是一个假想硬件的 DTS 片段,我们将在全文始末都以此作为示例:
/ {
aliases {
sensor-controller = &i2c1;
soc {
i2c1: i2c@40002000 {
compatible = "vnd,soc-i2c";
label = "I2C_1";
reg = <0x40002000 0x1000>;
status = "okay";
clock-frequency = < 100000 >;
以下是获取 i2c@40002000
节点的 id 的几种方法:
DT_PATH(soc, i2c_40002000)
DT_INST(x, vnd_soc_i2c)
用于某个未知数 x
。请参阅 DT_INST()
设备树名称中,非字母数字字符(例如破折号 (-
) 和 at 符号 (@
) 等)将转换为下划线 (_
)。 DTS 中的名称也会转换为小写。
一个节点 id 无法存储在变量中。这种写法是不可行的:
/* 这样写会引发编译器报错: */
void *i2c_0 = DT_INST(0, vnd_soc_i2c);
unsigned int i2c_1 = DT_INST(1, vnd_soc_i2c);
long my_i2c = DT_NODELABEL(i2c1);
如果你想要一些简短的封装来节省代码量,请使用 C 宏:
/* 类似下列用法: */
#define MY_I2C DT_NODELABEL(i2c1)
#define INST(i) DT_INST(i, vnd_soc_i2c)
#define I2C_0 INST(0)
#define I2C_1 INST(1)
读取属性值的正确 API ,属性值取决于节点和属性。
来检查节点是否具有某属性。对于上文提及的 示例设备树 :
DT_NODE_HAS_PROP(DT_NODELABEL(i2c1), clock_frequency) /* expands to 1 */
DT_NODE_HAS_PROP(DT_NODELABEL(i2c1), not_a_property) /* expands to 0 */
使用 DT_PROP(node_id, property)
读取基本类型属性,如整型( integer )、布尔型( boolean )、字符串( string )、数值数组和字符串数组。
例如,对 上例 的设备树读取 clock-frequency
DT_PROP(DT_PATH(soc, i2c_40002000), clock_frequency) /* This is 100000, */
DT_PROP(DT_NODELABEL(i2c1), clock_frequency) /* and so is this, */
DT_PROP(DT_ALIAS(sensor_controller), clock_frequency) /* and this. */
DTS 属性clock-frequency
在 C 中转换为clock_frequency
和 boolean
的属性的处理方式完全相同。在属性为字符串的情况下, DT_PROP()
宏扩展为字符串文字;在布尔值的情况下,扩展为数字 0 或 1。例如:
#define I2C1 DT_NODELABEL(i2c1)
DT_PROP(I2C1, status) /* expands to the string literal "okay" */
会根据属性是否存在,它将展开为 0 或 1。
、 uint8-array
和 string-array
的属性的处理方式类似 —— 对于数组属性, DT_PROP()
foo: foo@1234 {
a = <1000 2000 3000>; /* array */
b = [aa bb cc dd]; /* uint8-array */
c = "bar", "baz"; /* string-array */
#define FOO DT_NODELABEL(foo)
int a[] = DT_PROP(FOO, a); /* {1000, 2000, 3000} */
unsigned char b[] = DT_PROP(FOO, b); /* {0xaa, 0xbb, 0xcc, 0xdd} */
char* c[] = DT_PROP(FOO, c); /* {"foo", "bar"} */
你可以使用 DT_PROP_LEN()
size_t a_len = DT_PROP_LEN(FOO, a); /* 3 */
size_t b_len = DT_PROP_LEN(FOO, b); /* 4 */
size_t c_len = DT_PROP_LEN(FOO, c); /* 2 */
不能用于特殊的 reg
或 interrupts
在 重要属性 中已对 reg
给定节点 id node_id
,则 DT_NUM_REGS(node_id)
表示节点 reg
你 无法 通过 DT_PROP(node, reg)
: 给定节点的寄存器块的地址DT_REG_SIZE(node_id)
: 给定的寄存器块的大小如果节点有多个寄存器块,则改用 DT_REG_ADDR_BY_IDX()
DT_REG_ADDR_BY_IDX(node_id, idx)
: 索引 idx
对应寄存器块的地址DT_REG_SIZE_BY_IDX(node_id, idx)
: 索引 idx
对应寄存器块的大小这里的 idx
参数必须是整型数字或可扩展为一个无需任何算术的宏。尤其要注意, idx
/* 这样写会导致编译器报错 */
for (size_t i = 0; i < DT_NUM_REGS(node_id); i++) {
size_t addr = DT_REG_ADDR_BY_IDX(node_id, i);
在 重要属性 中已对 interrupts
给定节点 id node_id
, DT_NUM_IRQS(node_id)
表示节点 interrupts
在访问这些变量的场景中,最通用 API 宏是 DT_IRQ_BY_IDX()
DT_IRQ_BY_IDX(node_id, idx, val)
这里的 idx
是 interrupts
数组的逻辑索引( index ),它用于指向属性中的单个中断说明符。 val
参数是中断说明符中的单元格的名称。要使用此宏,请在绑定文件中查找对应节点的 val
大多数 Zephyr 设备树绑定都有一个名为 irq
的单元,即中断编号。若你要获取此值的处理完成的概览,使用 DT_IRQN()
这里提到的“处理完成”指的是, Zephyr 的设备树 脚本和工具 会更改 zephyr.dts 中的
编号以处理某些 SoC 上的硬件约束,并使其符合 Zephyr 的多级中断编号。由于这块内容目前没有很好的文档记录,如果你正在编写设备驱动程序,可能需要阅读脚本的源代码和现有驱动程序来了解更多详细信息。
在 设置属性值 中介绍过,phandle 语法支持使用 &another-node
在属性值中引用其他节点。在绑定中, phandle 属性包含在 phandle
、 phandles
或 phandle-array
中。我们将这些统称为为“phandle 属性”。
当你要将 phandle 转换为节点 id 时,可以使用 DT_PHANDLE()
phandle 属性的一个常见用例是,引用其他在设备树中的硬件。在这一场景中,你通常希望将设备树级别的 phandle 转换为 Zephyr 驱动程序级别的设备结构体 struct device 。可参阅 从设备树中获取设备结构体 了解怎么做。
另一个常见用例是访问 phandle 数组中的标识符值。实现这一用法的通用 API 是 DT_PHA_BY_IDX()
和 DT_PHA()
要检查标识符值是否存在于 phandle 属性中,请参阅 DT_PHA_HAS_CELL_AT_IDX()
以下是其他一些可用 API 。
: 用于特殊 /chosen 节点的属性DT_HAS_COMPAT_STATUS_OKAY()
: 与 compatible
: 获取一个节点的总线控制器(如果有)DT_ENUM_IDX()
: 用于取值声明为 enum 的属性,用于查找属性值在其固定选项列表中的索引在编写一些设备驱动程序时特殊的宏很有用,这类驱动通常依赖于 实例的节点 id 。
要使用这些宏,你必须定义 DT_DRV_COMPAT
为驱动程序实现支持的 compat
值。该 compat
值最终将传给 DT_INST()
#include <zephyr/devicetree.h>
#define DT_DRV_COMPAT my_driver_compat
/* 等价于 DT_INST(0, my_driver_compat): */
* 等价于 DT_PROP(DT_INST(0, my_driver_compat), clock_frequency)
DT_INST_PROP(0, clock_frequency)
请在 基于实例的 API 中参考相关通用 API 引用。
这些 API 是基于上述 API 之上构建的,它们提供了更便利的方式访问硬件,也提升了硬件特定代码的可读性。请参阅 特定于硬件的 API 了解相关详细信息。
在 devicetree.h
API 还未生成之前,本小节所阐述的生成的宏依赖 devicetree_unfixed.h。这一 C 头文件在每个应用程序构建目录中都将生成,其中包含的宏用于描述设备树数据。
这些宏具有棘手的命名约定, 设备树 API 将其抽象出来。实际上可视这些宏为设备树 API 的实现细节,但因为它们经常出现在编译器错误消息中,所以理解它们也是很有用的。
本节包含这些宏所使用语法基于扩充巴科斯-瑙尔范式(ABNF),并在注释中提供示例和更多详细信息。请参阅 RFC 7405(本质上是 RFC 5234 的扩展)了解其语法规范。
要阅读以下示例,需要对 ABNF 和 BNF 都具备一定的了解。这里更重要的点是,理解宏的生成过程基于 ABNF 来完成,而不是完全读懂下例的完整代码。
; An RFC 7405 ABNF grammar for devicetree macros.
; This does *not* cover macros pulled out of DT via Kconfig,
; like CONFIG_SRAM_BASE_ADDRESS, etc. It only describes the
; ones that start with DT_ and are directly generated, not
; defined in a dts_fixup.h file.
; --------------------------------------------------------------------
; dt-macro: the top level nonterminal for a devicetree macro
; A dt-macro starts with uppercase "DT_", and is one of:
; - a <node-macro>, generated for a particular node
; - some <other-macro>, a catch-all for other types of macros
dt-macro = node-macro / other-macro
; --------------------------------------------------------------------
; node-macro: a macro related to a node
; A macro about a property value
node-macro = property-macro
; A macro about the pinctrl properties in a node.
node-macro =/ pinctrl-macro
; EXISTS macro: node exists in the devicetree
node-macro =/ %s"DT_N" path-id %s"_EXISTS"
; Bus macros: the plain BUS is a way to access a node's bus controller.
; The additional dt-name suffix is added to match that node's bus type;
; the dt-name in this case is something like "spi" or "i2c".
node-macro =/ %s"DT_N" path-id %s"_BUS" ["_" dt-name]
; The reg property is special and has its own macros.
node-macro =/ %s"DT_N" path-id %s"_REG_NUM"
node-macro =/ %s"DT_N" path-id %s"_REG_IDX_" DIGIT "_EXISTS"
node-macro =/ %s"DT_N" path-id %s"_REG_IDX_" DIGIT
%s"_VAL_" ( %s"ADDRESS" / %s"SIZE")
node-macro =/ %s"DT_N" path-id %s"_REG_NAME_" dt-name
%s"_VAL_" ( %s"ADDRESS" / %s"SIZE")
; The interrupts property is also special.
node-macro =/ %s"DT_N" path-id %s"_IRQ_NUM"
node-macro =/ %s"DT_N" path-id %s"_IRQ_IDX_" DIGIT "_EXISTS"
node-macro =/ %s"DT_N" path-id %s"_IRQ_IDX_" DIGIT
%s"_VAL_" dt-name [ %s"_EXISTS" ]
node-macro =/ %s"DT_N" path-id %s"_IRQ_NAME_" dt-name
%s"_VAL_" dt-name [ %s"_EXISTS" ]
; The ranges property is also special.
node-macro =/ %s"DT_N" path-id %s"_RANGES_NUM"
node-macro =/ %s"DT_N" path-id %s"_RANGES_IDX_" DIGIT "_EXISTS"
node-macro =/ %s"DT_N" path-id %s"_RANGES_IDX_" DIGIT
node-macro =/ %s"DT_N" path-id %s"_RANGES_IDX_" DIGIT
node-macro =/ %s"DT_N" path-id %s"_FOREACH_RANGE"
; Subnodes of the fixed-partitions compatible get macros which contain
; a unique ordinal value for each partition
node-macro =/ %s"DT_N" path-id %s"_PARTITION_ID" DIGIT
; Macros are generated for each of a node's compatibles;
; dt-name in this case is something like "vnd_device".
node-macro =/ %s"DT_N" path-id %s"_COMPAT_MATCHES_" dt-name
; Every non-root node gets one of these macros, which expands to the node
; identifier for that node's parent in the devicetree.
node-macro =/ %s"DT_N" path-id %s"_PARENT"
; These are used internally by DT_FOREACH_CHILD, which iterates over
; each child node.
node-macro =/ %s"DT_N" path-id %s"_FOREACH_CHILD"
node-macro =/ %s"DT_N" path-id %s"_FOREACH_CHILD_VARGS"
; These are used internally by DT_FOREACH_CHILD_STATUS_OKAY, which iterates
; over each child node with status "okay".
node-macro =/ %s"DT_N" path-id %s"_FOREACH_CHILD_STATUS_OKAY"
node-macro =/ %s"DT_N" path-id %s"_FOREACH_CHILD_STATUS_OKAY_VARGS"
; The node's zero-based index in the list of it's parent's child nodes.
node-macro =/ %s"DT_N" path-id %s"_CHILD_IDX"
; The node's status macro; dt-name in this case is something like "okay"
; or "disabled".
node-macro =/ %s"DT_N" path-id %s"_STATUS_" dt-name
; The node's dependency ordinal. This is a non-negative integer
; value that is used to represent dependency information.
node-macro =/ %s"DT_N" path-id %s"_ORD"
; The node's path, as a string literal
node-macro =/ %s"DT_N" path-id %s"_PATH"
; The node's name@unit-addr, as a string literal
node-macro =/ %s"DT_N" path-id %s"_FULL_NAME"
; The dependency ordinals of a node's requirements (direct dependencies).
node-macro =/ %s"DT_N" path-id %s"_REQUIRES_ORDS"
; The dependency ordinals of a node supports (reverse direct dependencies).
node-macro =/ %s"DT_N" path-id %s"_SUPPORTS_ORDS"
; --------------------------------------------------------------------
; pinctrl-macro: a macro related to the pinctrl properties in a node
; These are a bit of a special case because they kind of form an array,
; but the array indexes correspond to pinctrl-DIGIT properties in a node.
; So they're related to a node, but not just one property within the node.
; The following examples assume something like this:
; foo {
; pinctrl-0 = <&bar>;
; pinctrl-1 = <&baz>;
; pinctrl-names = "default", "sleep";
; };
; Total number of pinctrl-DIGIT properties in the node. May be zero.
; #define DT_N_<node path>_PINCTRL_NUM 2
pinctrl-macro = %s"DT_N" path-id %s"_PINCTRL_NUM"
; A given pinctrl-DIGIT property exists.
; #define DT_N_<node path>_PINCTRL_IDX_0_EXISTS 1
; #define DT_N_<node path>_PINCTRL_IDX_1_EXISTS 1
pinctrl-macro =/ %s"DT_N" path-id %s"_PINCTRL_IDX_" DIGIT %s"_EXISTS"
; A given pinctrl property name exists.
; #define DT_N_<node path>_PINCTRL_NAME_default_EXISTS 1
; #define DT_N_<node path>_PINCTRL_NAME_sleep_EXISTS 1
pinctrl-macro =/ %s"DT_N" path-id %s"_PINCTRL_NAME_" dt-name %s"_EXISTS"
; The corresponding index number of a named pinctrl property.
; #define DT_N_<node path>_PINCTRL_NAME_default_IDX 0
; #define DT_N_<node path>_PINCTRL_NAME_sleep_IDX 1
pinctrl-macro =/ %s"DT_N" path-id %s"_PINCTRL_NAME_" dt-name %s"_IDX"
; The node identifier for the phandle in a named pinctrl property.
; #define DT_N_<node path>_PINCTRL_NAME_default_IDX_0_PH <node id for 'bar'>
; There's no need for a separate macro for access by index: that's
; covered by property-macro. We only need this because the map from
; names to properties is implicit in the structure of the DT.
pinctrl-macro =/ %s"DT_N" path-id %s"_PINCTRL_NAME_" dt-name %s"_IDX_" DIGIT %s"_PH"
; --------------------------------------------------------------------
; property-macro: a macro related to a node property
; These combine a node identifier with a "lowercase-and-underscores form"
; property name. The value expands to something related to the property's
; value.
; The optional prop-suf suffix is when there's some specialized
; subvalue that deserves its own macro, like the macros for an array
; property's individual elements
; The "plain vanilla" macro for a property's value, with no prop-suf,
; looks like this:
; DT_N_<node path>_P_<property name>
; Components:
; - path-id: node's devicetree path converted to a C token
; - prop-id: node's property name converted to a C token
; - prop-suf: an optional property-specific suffix
property-macro = %s"DT_N" path-id %s"_P_" prop-id [prop-suf]
; --------------------------------------------------------------------
; path-id: a node's path-based macro identifier
; This in "lowercase-and-underscores" form. I.e. it is
; the node's devicetree path converted to a C token by changing:
; - each slash (/) to _S_
; - all letters to lowercase
; - non-alphanumerics characters to underscores
; For example, the leaf node "bar-BAZ" in this devicetree:
; / {
; foo@123 {
; bar-BAZ {};
; };
; };
; has path-id "_S_foo_123_S_bar_baz".
path-id = 1*( %s"_S_" dt-name )
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------
; prop-id: a property identifier
; A property name converted to a C token by changing:
; - all letters to lowercase
; - non-alphanumeric characters to underscores
; Example node:
; chosen {
; zephyr,console = &uart1;
; WHY,AM_I_SHOUTING = "unclear";
; };
; The 'zephyr,console' property has prop-id 'zephyr_console'.
; 'WHY,AM_I_SHOUTING' has prop-id 'why_am_i_shouting'.
prop-id = dt-name
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------
; prop-suf: a property-specific macro suffix
; Extra macros are generated for properties:
; - that are special to the specification ("reg", "interrupts", etc.)
; - with array types (uint8-array, phandle-array, etc.)
; - with "enum:" in their bindings
; - that have zephyr device API specific macros for phandle-arrays
; - related to phandle specifier names ("foo-names")
; Here are some examples:
; - _EXISTS: property, index or name existence flag
; - _SIZE: logical property length
; - _IDX_<i>: values of individual array elements
; - _IDX_<DIGIT>_VAL_<dt-name>: values of individual specifier
; cells within a phandle array
; - _ADDR_<i>: for reg properties, the i-th register block address
; - _LEN_<i>: for reg properties, the i-th register block length
; The different cases are not exhaustively documented here to avoid
; this file going stale. Please see devicetree.h if you need to know
; the details.
prop-suf = 1*( "_" gen-name ["_" dt-name] )
; --------------------------------------------------------------------
; other-macro: grab bag for everything that isn't a node-macro.
; See examples below.
other-macro = %s"DT_N_" alternate-id
; Total count of enabled instances of a compatible.
other-macro =/ %s"DT_N_INST_" dt-name %s"_NUM_OKAY"
; These are used internally by DT_FOREACH_STATUS_OKAY,
; which iterates over each enabled node of a compatible.
other-macro =/ %s"DT_FOREACH_OKAY_" dt-name
other-macro =/ %s"DT_FOREACH_OKAY_VARGS_" dt-name
; These are used internally by DT_INST_FOREACH_STATUS_OKAY,
; which iterates over each enabled instance of a compatible.
other-macro =/ %s"DT_FOREACH_OKAY_INST_" dt-name
other-macro =/ %s"DT_FOREACH_OKAY_INST_VARGS_" dt-name
; E.g.: #define DT_CHOSEN_zephyr_flash
other-macro =/ %s"DT_CHOSEN_" dt-name
; Declares that a compatible has at least one node on a bus.
; Example:
; #define DT_COMPAT_vnd_dev_BUS_spi 1
other-macro =/ %s"DT_COMPAT_" dt-name %s"_BUS_" dt-name
; Declares that a compatible has at least one status "okay" node.
; Example:
; #define DT_COMPAT_HAS_OKAY_vnd_dev 1
other-macro =/ %s"DT_COMPAT_HAS_OKAY_" dt-name
; Currently used to allow mapping a lowercase-and-underscores "label"
; property to a fixed-partitions node. See the flash map API docs
; for an example.
other-macro =/ %s"DT_COMPAT_" dt-name %s"_LABEL_" dt-name
; --------------------------------------------------------------------
; alternate-id: another way to specify a node besides a path-id
; Example devicetree:
; / {
; aliases {
; dev = &dev_1;
; };
; soc {
; dev_1: device@123 {
; compatible = "vnd,device";
; };
; };
; };
; Node device@123 has these alternate-id values:
; - ALIAS_dev
; - NODELABEL_dev_1
; - INST_0_vnd_device
; The full alternate-id macros are:
; #define DT_N_INST_0_vnd_device DT_N_S_soc_S_device_123
; #define DT_N_ALIAS_dev DT_N_S_soc_S_device_123
; #define DT_N_NODELABEL_dev_1 DT_N_S_soc_S_device_123
; These mainly exist to allow pasting an alternate-id macro onto a
; "_P_<prop-id>" to access node properties given a node's alias, etc.
; Notice that "inst"-type IDs have a leading instance identifier,
; which is generated by the devicetree scripts. The other types of
; alternate-id begin immediately with names taken from the devicetree.
alternate-id = ( %s"ALIAS" / %s"NODELABEL" ) dt-name
alternate-id =/ %s"INST_" 1*DIGIT "_" dt-name
; --------------------------------------------------------------------
; miscellaneous helper definitions
; A dt-name is one or more:
; - lowercase ASCII letters (a-z)
; - numbers (0-9)
; - underscores ("_")
; They are the result of converting names or combinations of names
; from devicetree to a valid component of a C identifier by
; lowercasing letters (in practice, this is a no-op) and converting
; non-alphanumeric characters to underscores.
; You'll see these referred to as "lowercase-and-underscores" forms of
; various devicetree identifiers throughout the documentation.
dt-name = 1*( lower / DIGIT / "_" )
; gen-name is used as a stand-in for a component of a generated macro
; name which does not come from devicetree (dt-name covers that case).
; - uppercase ASCII letters (a-z)
; - numbers (0-9)
; - underscores ("_")
gen-name = upper 1*( upper / DIGIT / "_" )
; "lowercase ASCII letter" turns out to be pretty annoying to specify
; in RFC-7405 syntax.
; This is just ASCII letters a (0x61) through z (0x7a).
lower = %x61-7A
; "uppercase ASCII letter" in RFC-7405 syntax
upper = %x41-5A